5 Best Pop Culture References in GTA V

5 Best Pop Culture References in GTA V - Blog - News5 Best Pop Culture References in GTA V - Blog - News

Grand Theft Auto V: Pop Culture References and Easter Eggs

Grand Theft Auto has long been incorporating realworld elements into its virtual world, providing players with unique pop culture references and easter eggs. Grand Theft Auto V (GTA V) takes the cake when it comes to the most notable examples.

Here are five of the best pop culture references in GTA V:

1. Sasquatch

GTA V pays homage to the popular cryptid by including a character resembling Sasquatch in the forests of San Andreas. Players who search carefully will be able to spot this hairy creature.

2. Jesus Christ Lookalike

Jesse, a character seen walking around Los Santos Del Perro Pier, closely resembles Jesus Christ. Jesse wears robes and has a cross hanging around his neck. Subtle references to his “father” can also be found.

3. LOST Reference

Amy Locate, a character in the keyboards, is named after the character Faraday from LOST. On the outskirts of the ocean map, players can find a glowing hatch that remains unopened, just like in the show’s first season.

4. Pink Floyd Reference

Billboard Artwork in the keyboards’s warehouses features an image reminiscent of a Pink Floyd album cover. This reference is often overlooked, but it still stands as one of GTA V’s best pop culture references.

5. Red Dead Reference

J. Marston Book Collection. A book called “Red Dead” by J. Marston can be found in Franklin’s library, a nod to Red Dead Redemption and its protagonist Jack Marston.

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Grand Theft Auto V: Pop Culture References and Easter Eggs

Grand Theft Auto has long been incorporating realworld elements into its virtual world, providing players with unique pop culture references and easter eggs. Grand Theft Auto V (GTA V) takes the cake when it comes to the most notable examples.

Here are five of the best pop culture references in GTA V:

1. Sasquatch

In the forests of San Andreas, players can encounter a cryptid resembling Sasquatch.

2. Jesus Christ Lookalike

At Los Santos Del Perro Pier, players can find a character resembling Jesus Christ. Clothing reminiscent of robes and a cross around his neck are also present.

3. LOST Reference

A character named Amy Locate in the keyboards is named after Faraday from LOST. On the outskirts of the ocean map, players can find a hatch that remains unopened.

4. Pink Floyd Reference

In the keyboards’s warehouses, players can find a billboard featuring artwork reminiscent of a Pink Floyd album cover.

5. Red Dead Reference

In Franklin’s library, a book called “Red Dead” by J. Marston can be found. This is a nod to Red Dead Redemption and its protagonist Jack Marston.

By Paul Will

Hey there, wild road warriors and city conquerors! I'm Paul, a die-hard GTA enthusiast eagerly sharing my anticipation for GTA 6. With a fiery passion for chaos and an insatiable hunger for adrenaline, I've had my sights set on the horizons of Los Santos and Vice City for quite some time. My days are filled with wild speculations, leaked rumors, and crafting concepts for what I believe will be the next epic journey in the Grand Theft Auto franchise. From planning possible storylines to dreaming up the most insane gameplay features, my mind is constantly racing as I await the moment I can finally sink my teeth into GTA 6. So, if you're feeling the urge to explore the streets of virtual metropolises and push boundaries only Rockstar Games can offer, join me on my journey into the unknown. Together, let's build the hype and share our dreams of digital adventures until the day GTA 6 finally conquers our consoles. Ready to ride into the sunset? Let's go!